My Hero Academia Chapter 314

Is Chisaki Working for All for One?

By Epic Dope Staff | May 31, 2021

Even with relatively new characters, My Hero Academia never fails to intrigue the fans about their backstory.

Chapter 314 of My Hero Academia shocked everyone as Chisaki appears on the last page and Lady Nagant is seemingly about to kill him.

Ever since Tartarus’s mass breakout, Chisaki seems to keep going on and on about the boss and how he wants to go back to him.

After losing his quirk and destruction of his plans, Chisaki seems to have gone back to his past self.

He always felt indebted to the boss for rescuing him as a child and is probably the only person he ever looked up to.

It is also possible that All for One has become that father figure proxy for Chisaki and that is why he would do anything he wants.

Chisaki seems to be in the picture because of his mysterious association with Lady Nagant.

Chisaki is being used as bait to capture Midoriya, but you never know if there is somthing cooking up in the background.