The Faraway Paladin

Anime’s New Heatwarming Trailer

By Epic Dope Staff | August 30, 2021

Calling The Faraway Paladin a simple isekai would be doing it an injustice as it seamlessly blends both heartwarming and heart-wrenching elements into the story.

With its second trailer release, the anime is currently laying the groundwork before it rivals all other isekai series.

The trailer starts with the protagonist’s birth in an unknown city of the dead.

At first, he thought he had arrived in hell, but soon he is proved wrong as he receives parental affection from a skeletal warrior, a mummified princess, and a sorcerer.

The trailer also previews the soulful opening theme of the series, “The Sacred Torch” performed by H-el-ical.

The new trailer has heightened my expectations, and I will be waiting to experience this beautiful story in an animated form now.