Manga Enters Final Arc with its 100th Chapter


By Epic Dope Staff | July 6, 2022

Adachitoka’s brainchild Noragami has been popular among supernatural fans for a long time now.

The Noragami manga entered the Final arc with its 100th episode, and fans can’t help but feel scared and excited about what’s going to happen.

With Yato trying to save Yukine from himself as the shinki discovers his past and realizes he’s dead.

When asked about the letters Yukine sent to his sister Yuka when he was alive, Yato reveals that he buried those along with his body.

Yato recalls what happened to Sakura when he revealed her true name and fears the same will happen to Yukine if he doesn’t do anything to prevent it.

There’s not much left in the manga, and Adachitoka seems to have something mind-blowing lined up for the finale.