Ready to Sweep Away Otakus with Jazz

Blue Giant

By Epic Dope Staff | October 21, 2021

Blue Giant presents a wonderful love story between its protagonist, Dai, and jazz. The music genre which personifies passion has made its home in Dai’s soul.

The manga will receive an anime movie adaptation in 2022. Shinichi Ishizuka, the creator of the series, has revealed an illustration to commemorate the movie being greenlit.

Dai Miyamoto, Yukinori Sawabe, and Yukinori Tamada are the main characters who are drawn. They play the saxophone, jazz piano, and drums, respectively.

The manga has released three arcs so far. The first arc, Blue Giant, is set in Japan, and the second arc, Blue Giant Supreme, is set in Europe.

I am guessing that the upcoming film will adapt the first arc of the series, as the manga is still ongoing.

Since it is a jazz-based movie, the project definitely needs an excellent soundtrack and musicians who will contribute to its art.