Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan On Netflix

Side Story In English Dub

By Epic Dope Staff | February 20, 2021

Netflix has been working on its anime library for a while now, and now Netflix released the strange side story of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.

On Thursday, the 4 episodes of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan anime were globally released on Netflix’s platform.

Netflix will give the anime a special dubbed version. VA Landon McDonald announced that he will be playing the role of Kishibe Rohan.

A trailer was released giving us a glimpse of its artwork, western references, fight scenes and everything else that remind us of Jojo.

The spinoff anime is set somewhere between the “Diamond is Unbreakable” and the “Golden Time” arcs.

Although Rohan isn’t from the Joester bloodline, he can instantly read a person and alter their memories and behavior.

There’s always a possibility of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan returning. Who knows, it can even give rise to an entirely original continuation of the series.